Appendix A. Localization Guide

Author:Chris Warrick <>
Copyright:© 2011–2015, Chris Warrick.
License:BSD (see /LICENSE or Appendix B.)

Hello! It looks like you want to localize Trashman. Great! Doing so is not so hard, and requires just a few minutes.

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub and clone your fork locally.
  2. Run mkdir -p locale/[CODE]/LC_MESSAGES in your terminal, replacing [CODE] by your language code, as in /usr/share/locale.
  3. Copy the /messages.pot file to locale/[CODE]/LC_MESSAGES/trashman.po.
  4. Do your work. The comments will inform you where this string is, and the ones starting with ‘TRANSLATORS:’ are for you to read and make use of. Other comments come from my code and you shouldn’t care about them. And if it is directed for translators, let me know. The Poedit app may be of help. Please take care of the headers at the top of the file (with a text editor, do not use poedit for that!) and modify them. The Last-Translator, Language-Team and Language are important, the others are auto-generated anyways.
  5. Commit (with the -s/--signoff flag!) and hit Pull Request on GitHub.
  6. Your translation will be added in the next release, or, if a release isn’t planned in the near future, a new release will be made. Your addition will be appreciated. Note that I cannot translate new strings, and, as a result, I might ask you for additions in the future.