Source code for trashman.backends.dummytrash

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Trashman v1.5.0
# A Python trash manager.
# Copyright (C) 2011–2015, Chris Warrick.
# See /LICENSE for licensing information.

    A dummy backend, printing all the requests it gets.

    :Copyright: © 2011–2015, Chris Warrick.
    :License: BSD (see /LICENSE).
import logging

### DummyTrash     A dummy trash           ###
[docs]class DummyTrash(object): """ A dummy trash, printing and logging actions that would be performed. """ trashdir = None filedir = None infodir = None logger = logging.getLogger('DummyTrash') logquiet = False
[docs] def log(self, msg, lvl='debug'): """Log a message.""" if not self.logquiet: print('DummyTrash: {}'.format(msg)) if lvl != 'debug': raise NotImplementedError self.logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def regenerate(self): """Regenerate the trash and recreate metadata.""" self.log('regenerating')
[docs] def empty(self, verbose): """Empty the trash.""" self.log('emptying (verbose={})'.format(verbose)) self.regenerate()
[docs] def list(self, human=True): """List the trash contents.""" if human: self.log('listing contents (on stdout; human=True)') else: self.log('listing contents (return; human=False)')
[docs] def trash(self, filepath, verbose): """Move specified file to trash.""" self.log('trashing file {} (verbose={})'.format(filepath, verbose))
[docs] def restore(self, filename, verbose): """Restore a file from trash.""" self.log('restoring file {} (verbose={})'.format(filename, verbose))